API Reference - React (@lingui/react)

Components from @lingui/react wrap the vanilla JS API from lingui-i18n. React components handle changes of active language or interpolated variables better than low-level API and also take care of re-rendering when wrapped inside pure components.

General Concepts

Rendering of Translations

All i18n components render translation as a text without a wrapping tag. This can be customized in three different ways:

  • globally: using defaultComponent prop on <I18nProvider> component;

  • locally: using render prop or component on i18 components

Global Configuration

Default rendering component can be set using defaultComponent prop in <I18nProvider>. The main use case for this is rendering translations in <Text> component in React Native.

It’s possible to pass in either a string for built-in elements (span, h1) , React elements or React classes. This prop has the same type as render and component prop on i18n components described below.

Local Configuration

Prop name





Class name to be added to <span> element


Function(props) -> Element | Component

Custom wrapper rendered as function


Component, null

Custom wrapper element to render translation

className is used only for built-in components (when render is string).

Function(props) props returns the translation, an id, and a message.

When component is React.Element or string (built-in tags) , it is rendered with the translation passed in as its child:

import { Text } from "react-native";

<Trans component={Text}>Link to docs</Trans>;
// renders as <Text>Link to docs</Text>

To get more control over the rendering of translation, use instead the render method with React.Component (or stateless component). Component passed to render will receive the translation value as a translation prop:

// custom component
<Trans render={({ translation }) => <Icon label={translation} />}>
   Sign in
// renders as <Icon label="Sign in" />

render or component also accepts null value to render string without wrapping component. This can be used to override custom defaultComponent config.

<Trans render={null}>Heading</Trans>;
// renders as "Heading"

<Trans component={null}>Heading</Trans>;
// renders as "Heading"



  • string (<id>) – Message ID


Import <Trans> macro instead of <Trans> if you use macros:

import { Trans } from "@lingui/macro"

// Trans from @lingui/react won't work in this case
// import { Trans } from "@lingui/react"

<Trans>Hello, my name is {name}</Trans>

It’s also possible to use <Trans> component directly without macros. In that case, id is the message being translated. values and components are arguments and components used for formatting translation:

<Trans id="Hello World" />;

  id="Hello {name}"
  values={{ name: 'Arthur' }}

// number of tag corresponds to index in `components` prop
  id="Read <0>Description</0> below."
  components={[<Link to="/docs" />]}


If you cannot use @lingui/macro for some reason(maybe you compile your code using just TS instead of babel), you can render plurals using the plain Trans component like this:

import React from 'react';
import { Trans } from '@lingui/react';

   id="{count, plural, =1 {car} other {cars}}"
   values={{ count: cars.length }}


Message catalogs and the active locale are passed to the context in <I18nProvider>. Use :js:func:`useLingui hook or withI18n() high-order component to access Lingui context.


  • i18n (<I18n>) – The i18n instance (usually the one imported from @lingui/core)

  • children (<React.ReactNode>) – React Children node

  • defaultComponent (<React.ComponentType>) – A React component for rendering <Trans> within this component (Not required)

  • forceRenderOnLocaleChange (<boolean>) – Force re-render when locale changes (default: true)

defaultComponent has the same meaning as component in other i18n components. Rendering of translations is explained at the beginning of this document.

forceRenderOnLocaleChange is true by default and it ensures that:

  • Children of I18nProvider aren’t rendered before locales are loaded.

  • When locale changes, the whole element tree below I18nProvider is re-rendered.

Disable forceRenderOnLocaleChange when you have specific needs to handle initial state before locales are loaded and when locale changes.

This component should live above all i18n components. A good place is as a top-level application component. However, if the locale is stored in a redux store, this component should be inserted below react-redux/Provider:

import React from 'react';
import { I18nProvider } from '@lingui/react';
import { i18n } from '@lingui/core';
import { messages as messagesEn } from './locales/en/messages.js';

   en: messagesEn,

const App = () => {
   return (
      <I18nProvider i18n={i18n}>
         // rest of the app


import React from "react"
import { useLingui } from "@lingui/react"

const CurrentLocale = () => {
   const { i18n } = useLingui()

   return <span>Current locale: {i18n.locale}



withI18n() is a higher-order component which injects i18n object to wrapped component. i18n object is needed when you have to access the i18n data:

import React from "react"
import { withI18n } from "@lingui/react"

const CurrentLocale = withI18n()(({ i18n }) => (
   <span>Current locale: {i18n.locale}